Sunday, May 25, 2008

And She's Off....

Well, Baby Caris is officially crawling. This kid constantly amazes me. She's trying really hard to go from crawling to sitting up and she's almost got it. She's such a whiz. I just wish she'd slow down a bit.

Her Daddy thought it would be funny to put her pants on her head!!! I have to admit, it was pretty cute. Heck, this kid could make just about anything cute. I know I'm biased but she's gotta be the cutest young 'un ever!

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention that she's moved into her "big girl" car seat. She loves it!! I can't decide if it's because she can face forward or because the seat belts taste so good!!

1 wanted to say something:

Katie McCrary said...

so glad someone else broke "the rules" and turned their child around early. I thought I was the only parenting outlaw. Nash turned around at 7mos. too.